Salman Khan met Aishwarya Rai while shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. They were head over heels in love with each other. However their relationship turned sour soon. It was said that Salman’s aggressive behaviour was the reason behind their split. Remember the reports of Salman Khan banging the door of Aishwarya Rai’s apartment till 3:00 am in the night? Yes, and the time when he reached on the sets of her films. Aishwarya Rai had opened up on the abuse that she endured whilst in relationship with Salman Khan in 2002. She had said, “Salman and I broke up last March, but he isn't able to come to terms with it...After we broke up, he would call me and talk rubbish. He also suspected me of having affairs with my co-stars. I was linked up with everyone, from Abhishek Bachchan to Shah Rukh Khan.
I stood by him enduring his alcoholic misbehaviour in its worst phases and in turn I was at the receiving end of his abuse (verbal, physical and emotional), infidelity and indignity. That is why like any other self-respecting woman I ended my relationship with him.” Salman had denied Ash’s claims beating her. And Aishwarya vowed to never work with Salman Khan again.
When she was supposed to be cast in Chalte Chalte alongside Salman, she had released a statement saying, “For my well-being and for the self-respect of my family, I will not work with Mr Salman Khan. The chapter of Salman Khan was a nightmare in my life. I am thankful that it is over now.”
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